ZTool launched on Y Combinator's "Launch YC" recently!

Launch YC: ZTool - Create data tools & scripts with just a few words


"Your personal developer for the tools you need."

is the personal developer for entrepreneurs, analysts, and marketers. Build scrapers, scripts, and parsers by describing them in a few words. Run them with 1 click.

Founded by Karl Oskar Schulz & Jonas Nelle. While working as an analyst at a VC firm many years ago, Jonas hacked together a script to process CSV data for a deal analysis. It was a simple script but itĀ saved him days' worth of manual work. Over time the initial script proved useful for more and more deals and grew into an entire library of Python scripts for automating different tasks, from data analysis to web scraping. It took Jonas a week to create that initial script and he had to learn Python, regex, SQL, Docker, cloud, and moreā€”with ZTool anyone could have done it in 5 minutes.


Ā the tool you needĀ inĀ one sentenceĀ and ZTool will create the code, run it, and present the output. ZTool particularly focuses on all thingsĀ CSVĀ files: anything from exporting CSVs, to merging files and enriching data is possible. Over time, users can edit, build out and share their library of tools with each other.

Ztool GIF

āŒ The Problem

Python scripts for tools like scrapers or workflow automations have been written thousands of times before. Reusing that code ā€” and saving time ā€” should be easy but itā€™s not: finding the relevant scripts is hard, and adapting it to your specific case requires a certain level of skill at which one can just write the code from scratch. ZTool solves both the search problem and the skill problem; it will give you the exact script you need, specific to your use case, and regardless of your technical ability.

āœ… Solution

All the user has to do is describe the script they want, for example: merge two CSV files. ZTool, powered by LLMs, will ask specifying questions, ask for the input files, and then create an output file. Thatā€™s it!

"ZTool is like hiring a junior python developer for free."


šŸŒ Visit www.ztool.co to learn more!

Help the ZTool team figure out what they should focus onĀ by trying it outĀ and showing them what tools are most useful to you!

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August 2, 2023
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